Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby Belly

Upon request, here are some pictures that show my growing baby belly and at the same time the beauty of Julian, CA where we visited this last weekend.

You can't visit Julian without tasting their delicious apples that come in many forms - from sweet Apple Pie to yummy Carmel Apples - you can't go wrong.
We added chocolate to our carmel apples which, in my opinion, was pure genius.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Summer Fun

Okay, so I can't believe that it is already October. I am the best blogger ever. A total natural. :)

As a quick recap of our summer, here's a list of some of the fun things that made our summer a blast. We....

...had a Plumb Family Reunion. 15 kids all under the age of 9 made for an extra fun week and some extra cute pictures.

The proud grandparents.

15 grand kids on a ladder - what is a Plumb family reunion without a little risk?
Note: There were no major injuries in the taking of these pictures.

...went to Disneyland with Tim's family. We hit all the good rides and with the fast passes we didn't have to wait very long for any of them. It was a ton of fun! Thanks Skaggs!
Tim is trying to contain his excitement as we wait to go on his favorite ride: Small World.
Waiting to get our pictures taking with Pooh and his crew was the longest line we waited in all day but these pictures made it all worth it.
I think this picture of Tim's little brothers is so precious.

As is this picture :) Gotta love Tigger

The Gang waiting for Star Tours.

...found out in July that I am pregnant and due in March. March 7, 2010 to be exact. And we found out in September that we'll be having a little boy. We are quite excited as can be expected. Pregnancy did prohibit me from riding some of the more jerky and fast rides but it allowed me to get some good footage of Tim and his sisters on the California Screamer.

...moved into (hopefully) our new house in May. We are hoping to close this week but we've been hoping that every week since April, so we'll see. Cross your fingers. I'll have to take some pics of the house when we get more settled in.
This is me in our kitchen posing in front of my first
Pot Roast Masterpiece. So proud.

We promoted our mattress from the floor to a real bed. I was so excited that I could finally put my Grandmother Plumb's quilt on it, I had to take a picture.
...went to the Miramar Air Show for the first time with Tim's dad.

Those pilots did some very impressive maneuvers.

Us being very impressed.

...Last but not least, we celebrated our 6 month anniversary. Woo Hoo! Tim bought me a beautiful rose bush. Apart from being so gorgeous, the roses smell so good too. What can I say, Tim's the sweetest!

All in all it was a well-lived summer. I don't have any pictures of my baby bump yet so stay tuned - hopefully I'll get some before December :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

St. George

This last weekend, we had a whirlwind adventure. We drove up to Vegas Friday and stayed at my brother's house (thanks Jesse and Cami - it was great to see you!) and then drove the rest of the way to St. George on Saturday and hung out with friends from my mission. It is so beautiful up there. Lauri's family have a cabin in Pine Valley and she and Brady and Elizabeth made some delicious Dutch oven potatoes and BBQ meat sandwiches for us...mmm makes my mouth water just thinking about it. We then got to watch Footloose at the outdoor Tuachan Theater and went to Zions' Angels Landing and drove back on Sunday. Needless to say, it will probably take a week for Tim and I to recover from this weekend but it was a fun time!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Amateur Blogger Here

I promised a friend of mine way back when that after I was married I would start a blog. On March 21, 2009 Tim and I were married. Today is June 8, 2009 and I am finally starting my very own blog. I don't know how this will turn out but I hope it will be amusing and I will do better with this than my own neglected journal.